Mantero Seta
Lo specialista della seta a conduzione familiare Mantero Seta SpA ha recentemente introdotto il tessuto rigenerato Resilk. L'idea nasce dalla necessità di riciclare le scorte morte pre-consumo dai marchi di moda di lusso, che spesso chiedono tessuti esclusivi e non accetterebbero quelli con difetti. Le loro collezioni includono tutti i tipi di sete e jacquard.
Caffisi S.p.A
Back in 1953 the Cafissi brothers – Francesco, Roero, Paolo, Mario and Umberto – decided to open a small
artisanal textile mill for third parties. During the post-World War II period the Cafissi family was one of the first ones who invested in the textile industry in Tuscany.
Throughout the years of the economic boom Prato was a hectic city and this enthusiasm was the driving force of the Cafissi company’s growth; it thus turned from a small textile mill into an international business within slightly over a decade.
Nowadays Cafissi S.p.A. is a really unique productive and commercial group in Italy, providing the greatest variety of
fabrics for clothing, footwear, accessories and household items available in our country today. Not only imported goods, but also thousands of items that are completely designed and made in Italy. A motto created by the industry professionals goes:
“If you are thinking of a certain fabric, you will find it at Cafissi’s… and if you don’t, they will make it for you!”
Over the years the growth has not only involved our company, but also our family. The founders passed the baton to the younger generations who manage the different sectors of the company and aim at achieving even more ambitious goals, while always keeping the traditional inspiration and family core values alive, just like in the old days.
The constant focus on the market needs is the starting point and the pillar of our company policy, aiming at the utmost transparency.
Our loyalty towards our customers and suppliers, and their enduring trust in us are at the heart of the longlasting relationship connecting each other.
Our business practices are based on the mutual trust among coworkers, on the maximum willingness and transparency towards our company and all of the interested parties we deal with on a daily basis.
The protection of human health and the respect of the environment are at the heart of our business practices.
To protect people
Always respecting the value of equality, we enhance our staff resources through their personal fulfilment. We thereby contribute to the local communities’ development as well, thus reinforcing the strong connection with our territory.
We are committed to avoiding any form of discrimination in our employment practices, starting from the initial moment of recruitment. The main goal of our employment strategy is to establish lasting relationships, aiming at professional growth and merit recognition.
We ensure freedom of association and the actual exercise of the right to collective bargaining.
We support the abolition of child labour exploitation and forced labour in the field of our sphere of influence along the whole production chain through legal measures and close relations with the local communities.
To protect the environment
In the management of our business activities, we make sustainability-oriented choices:
- our designers develop collections that are richer and richer in recycled fabrics and use natural fibers;
- we use sustainable and certified packaging for shipments;
- the raw material supply is traced, in full compliance with a rigorous code concerning their origins and processing;
- 100% of the energy supply comes from renewable sources;
- We pursue continuous improvement in any form of environmental impact, by reducing emissions, eliminating wastage and properly managing waste.
Our methods of communication are respectful of human dignity, families and children, in line with our ethical and moral principles. We communicate the features and the origins of our fabrics with full transparency and we aim to encourage a more and more sustainable production.
Our goal is to offer more and more unique products, diversified through innovative research and production processes. After all, what makes our job interesting is the passion for research, the inclination to break the pre-existing paradigms, explore new areas and go beyond the boundaries of traditions.
The collections that have widely contributed to the increase in our sales volume are mainly Megistos®,
confirming Cafissi as a leader in the textile supply available for Delivery Services, and Elle®, proving that the quality of Made in Italy combined with sustainability has turned out to be a successful choice.
Moreover, our sales have increased also thanks to our new collection- PRIMA®- which has brought great satisfaction in the most relevant markets. Lastly, a not insignificant segment of mass distribution customers has led to a remarkable increase in the orders of customized fabrics.
Manifattura DEL PRATO
Le qualità sono realizzate utilizzando una molteplicità di fibre: dalla lana alla rafia, sete, cupro e dalle fibre artificiali e tecniche come il nylon alle fibre naturali come cotone, lino e canapa. Mescolando questi filati in ogni modo possibile; tinto in pezza e tinto filo creando una grande varietà di modelli, disegni, costruzioni speciali grazie all'utilizzo delle proprie macchine jacquard. Quasi tutti gli articoli prodotti sono arricchiti dall'utilizzo della Lycra in modalità mono o b-istretch.
Lanificio Cipriani
Nalya nasce nel 2007 dal Leomaster Group , radicata nella tradizione e nelle competenze di Capritex, dal 1958. Dopo quasi 50 anni nella produzione di tessuti pregiati per l'abbigliamento maschile, il Leomaster Group dà vita a Nalya, tessuti eclettici e ispirati, mirati esclusivamente alle donne.
Full Blossom
Un fornitore leader di tessuti da Taiwan. Vari tessuti e stampe per i principali marchi.
Leather design & production
London / Mauritius
Design di abbigliamento in pelle a Londra con produzione da un'azienda a conduzione familiare a Mauritius.